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Saturday, November 7, 2015
Project Resolve: DRS Technologies Selected for iAOR
DRS Technologies Canada will be providing integrated communications systems to Chantier Davie Canada and Project Resolve Inc. for the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) ship program.
The AOR ship program is an important interim capability to supply at-sea Canadian naval forces with fuel, ammunition, water, spare parts and food. The DRS integrated communications system will include all internal tactical and secure voice switching systems and terminals; communication systems required under Safety of Life at Sea regulations; the entertainment, broadcast and alarms systems; and the networks system.
It leverages the DRS Shipboard Integrated Communications system, SHINCOM 3100, developed in Canada and currently operating on the RCN’s Halifax-class Frigates and other multi-national naval ships.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for DRS to deliver the SHINCOM 3100 system to the Royal Canadian Navy leveraging the existing installed base with the Canadian Halifax-class, Royal Australian Navy, Royal New Zealand Navy and United States Navy,” said Steve Zuber, vice president and general manager of DRS Technologies Canada Ltd. “This program will facilitate interoperability and the ability to share technology and applications, ensuring that SHINCOM 3100 remains the premier internal communications system for years to come, and a fleet standard,” Zuber said.
“Project Resolve will provide the RCN with an urgently needed and essential replenishment at-sea capability,” said Spencer Fraser, chief executive officer of Project Resolve Inc. “We are extremely proud to have assembled an impressive pan-Canadian supply chain that will feature ‘best-of-breed’ naval technologies developed and produced here at home by Canadian personnel. DRS Technologies Canada Ltd. is a trusted partner with an outstanding pedigree of providing and supporting the RCN and exporting Canadian secure naval communications technology worldwide. The company will be bringing a very modern and proven capability to our AOR solution.”
Canada in Iraq: 7 Airstrikes by RCAF in November
With the New Government officially sworn in, Air Task Force Iraq's days are numbered according to the most recent information coming out of DND. That news hasn't stopped the RCAF from continuing their fights against ISIS.

On 5 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck two ISIS compounds southwest of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.
On 6 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position in the vicinity of Ramadi using precision guided munitions.
On 6 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck two ISIS fighting positions north of Fallujah using precision guided munitions.
On 6 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck two ISIS fighting positions north of Fallujah using precision guided munitions.
On 7 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position southeast of Mosul using precision guided munitions.
On 7 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position south of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.
On 7 November 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS fighting position south of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Canada concludes participation in largest NATO exercise since 2002
News Release from DND:
Canada concludes participation in largest NATO exercise since 2002
November 6, 2015
OTTAWA – Today, 1650 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen, and Special Operations Forces personnel, in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and at sea, completed the live exercise portion of JOINTEX 15.
JOINTEX is a biennial Canadian exercise and a keystone for Canadian Armed Forces posture and readiness activity aimed at enhancing operational mission preparedness. The live exercise (LIVEX) phase occurred between October 21 and November 6 in Western Europe. Activities leading up to the LIVEX included senior staff officer training during a Table Top Exercise in Ottawa, in January and February, and Combined Joint Inter-Agency Task Force Headquarters staff training during a Command Post Exercise in Meaford, Ont., in September and October.
Quick Facts
For the LIVEX portion of JOINTEX 15 as part of NATO’s Trident Juncture 15, Canada has contributed a Canadian Multinational Task Force headquarters, a Canadian Army Brigade with multinational elements attached, four ships, one submarine, Canadian Special Forces elements and three CC-130 Hercules aircraft.
JOINTEX 15 provided an opportunity to create and exercise our ability to command Canadian and international forces in the most challenging international contingency operations, in a scale and scope rarely seen in recent history.
JOINTEX 15 demonstrated Canadian leadership and capability in headquarters, and in deployed formations, units, and elements which serve to strengthen Alliance integration and interoperability capabilities.
JOINTEX had four general objectives:
Practice, evaluate, and improve Canadian Armed Forces capacity and ability to command and conduct Joint Combined Integrated Forces in complex operations.
Practice, evaluate, and further develop national contingency plans.
Advance, integrate, and evaluate force development and joint force capability enhancements.
Develop, document, and institutionalize the Canadian Armed Forces Distributed Training and Simulation Capability.
The JOINTEX series serves to advance CAF mission preparedness by practicing Joint Combined and Integrated Expeditionary Full Spectrum Operations, developing concepts and procedures, and providing a focus for force development.
Canada concludes participation in largest NATO exercise since 2002
November 6, 2015
OTTAWA – Today, 1650 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen, and Special Operations Forces personnel, in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and at sea, completed the live exercise portion of JOINTEX 15.
JOINTEX is a biennial Canadian exercise and a keystone for Canadian Armed Forces posture and readiness activity aimed at enhancing operational mission preparedness. The live exercise (LIVEX) phase occurred between October 21 and November 6 in Western Europe. Activities leading up to the LIVEX included senior staff officer training during a Table Top Exercise in Ottawa, in January and February, and Combined Joint Inter-Agency Task Force Headquarters staff training during a Command Post Exercise in Meaford, Ont., in September and October.
Quick Facts
For the LIVEX portion of JOINTEX 15 as part of NATO’s Trident Juncture 15, Canada has contributed a Canadian Multinational Task Force headquarters, a Canadian Army Brigade with multinational elements attached, four ships, one submarine, Canadian Special Forces elements and three CC-130 Hercules aircraft.
JOINTEX 15 provided an opportunity to create and exercise our ability to command Canadian and international forces in the most challenging international contingency operations, in a scale and scope rarely seen in recent history.
JOINTEX 15 demonstrated Canadian leadership and capability in headquarters, and in deployed formations, units, and elements which serve to strengthen Alliance integration and interoperability capabilities.
JOINTEX had four general objectives:
Practice, evaluate, and improve Canadian Armed Forces capacity and ability to command and conduct Joint Combined Integrated Forces in complex operations.
Practice, evaluate, and further develop national contingency plans.
Advance, integrate, and evaluate force development and joint force capability enhancements.
Develop, document, and institutionalize the Canadian Armed Forces Distributed Training and Simulation Capability.
The JOINTEX series serves to advance CAF mission preparedness by practicing Joint Combined and Integrated Expeditionary Full Spectrum Operations, developing concepts and procedures, and providing a focus for force development.
“The Canadian Armed Forces is considered to be one of the most responsive armed forces within the Alliance. As such, Canada has been a major contributor to NATO operations. Our participation in Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15 is another example of our commitment to supporting NATO by providing modern, deployable capabilities to allied missions and highly trained personnel.” General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff
“I am proud of the contribution our sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen have made to this historic training event. Thanks to their efforts in developing our interoperability, they are improving the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to conduct successful joint and multinational operations in the future.” Lieutenant-General Steve Bowes, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command
“The Canadian Armed Forces is considered to be one of the most responsive armed forces within the Alliance. As such, Canada has been a major contributor to NATO operations. Our participation in Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15 is another example of our commitment to supporting NATO by providing modern, deployable capabilities to allied missions and highly trained personnel.” General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff
“I am proud of the contribution our sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen have made to this historic training event. Thanks to their efforts in developing our interoperability, they are improving the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to conduct successful joint and multinational operations in the future.” Lieutenant-General Steve Bowes, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command
Harjit Sajjan: New Minister of Defence
On Wednesday, Canada's new Defence Minister was announced. For the first time since Gordon O'Connor, the Defence Minister is a former member of the Canadian Forces - to some a great thing, while to others it could be problematic.
I think the new Defence Minister will usher in a new era for the CAF.
Meet Harjit Sajjan, the first Sikh Member of the Canadian Forces, who challenged the dress code book, to allow him to wear his turban, and keep his facial hair. Sajjan, went on to become the first Sikh Commander of a CAF Unit when he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Canadian Army Reserve.

Sajjan is a former police officer. He served as an office and detective for 11 years in the Vancouver area before joining the Army Reserve.
Cabinet position: Defence
Degree of difficulty: High
First challenge: Ending Canada’s combat mission in Iraq and Syria.
After that: The Minister will have to help oversee the process of withdrawing Canada from the U.S.-led F-35 stealth fighter jet program. That will also require the Canadian Forces and DND moving forward on a new project to purchase a replacement aircraft for the air force’s CF-18 fighter jets.
Also on the agenda: Dealing with the issue of sexual misconduct in the Canadian Forces and the implementation of the report by Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, since retired, and now a Liberal MP for Orleans. That report calls for cutting red tape at National Defence headquarters in Ottawa, finding savings that can be directed to key military roles and moving as many as 3,000 staff to jobs that support front-line operations.
I think the new Defence Minister will usher in a new era for the CAF.
Meet Harjit Sajjan, the first Sikh Member of the Canadian Forces, who challenged the dress code book, to allow him to wear his turban, and keep his facial hair. Sajjan, went on to become the first Sikh Commander of a CAF Unit when he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Canadian Army Reserve.

Sajjan is a former police officer. He served as an office and detective for 11 years in the Vancouver area before joining the Army Reserve.
During his time with the CAF he was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina and served three separate deployments to Kandahar, Afghanistan. He received numerous recognition for his service, including the Meritorious Service Medal for reducing the Taliban’s influence in Kandahar Province.
Sajjan was asked directly by former CAF Commander in Afghanistan Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Andrew Leslie to deploy to Afghanistan where he became an invaluable asset in the fight against the Taliban. Due to his Indian heritage, and his religion, many of the locals trusted Sajjan, and he was instrumental in gaining intelligence on Taliban locations.
Sajjan's final deployment to Afghanistan came at the request of the United States. They had heard about his success with the locals, and Sajjan accepted a position as a Special Adviser to the American General in Kandahar. U.S sources say Sajjan is directly responsible for helping locate and in some cases eliminate close to 1,500 Taliban fighters.
Cabinet position: Defence
Degree of difficulty: High
First challenge: Ending Canada’s combat mission in Iraq and Syria.
After that: The Minister will have to help oversee the process of withdrawing Canada from the U.S.-led F-35 stealth fighter jet program. That will also require the Canadian Forces and DND moving forward on a new project to purchase a replacement aircraft for the air force’s CF-18 fighter jets.
Also on the agenda: Dealing with the issue of sexual misconduct in the Canadian Forces and the implementation of the report by Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, since retired, and now a Liberal MP for Orleans. That report calls for cutting red tape at National Defence headquarters in Ottawa, finding savings that can be directed to key military roles and moving as many as 3,000 staff to jobs that support front-line operations.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
New Liberal Government Cabinet
Here is a full list of the New Liberal Government's Cabinet according to CBC.
The New Minister of Defence is Harjit Sajjan. The former CAF member, and was the first Shik member of the CAF, and was commander of the Vancouver based regiment.
The full list of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new 31-member cabinet, in order of precedene, being sworn in today at Rideau Hall in Ottawa:
Justin Trudeau - Prime Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth.
Ralph Goodale - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Lawrence MacAulay - Agriculture and Agri-Food.
Stéphane Dion - Foreign Affairs.
John McCallum - Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees.
Carolyn Bennett - Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Scott Brison - Treasury Board President.
Dominic Leblanc - Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
Navdeep Bains - Innovation, Science and Economic Development.
Bill Morneau - Finance Minister.
Jody Wilson-Raybould - Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Judy Foote - Public Services and Procurement.
Chrystia Freeland - International Trade.
Jane Philpott - Health.
Jean-Yves Duclos - Families, Children and Social Development.
Marc Garneau - Transport.
Marie-Claude Bibeau - International Development and La francophonie.
James Carr - Natural Resources.
Mélanie Joly - Heritage.
Dianne Lebouthillier - National Revenue.
Kent Hehr - Veterans Affairs, and Associate Minister of National Defence.
Catherine McKenna - Environment and Climate Change.
Harjit Sajjan - National Defence.
MaryAnn Mihychuck - Employment Workforce Development and Labour
Amarjeet Sohi - Infrastructure and Communities.
Maryam Monsef - Democratic Institutions.
Carla Qualtrough - Sport, and Persons with Disabilities.
Hunter Tootoo - Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard.
Kirsty Duncan - Science.
Patricia Hajdu - Status of Women.
Bardish Chagger - Small Business and Tourism
The New Minister of Defence is Harjit Sajjan. The former CAF member, and was the first Shik member of the CAF, and was commander of the Vancouver based regiment.
The full list of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new 31-member cabinet, in order of precedene, being sworn in today at Rideau Hall in Ottawa:
Justin Trudeau - Prime Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth.
Ralph Goodale - Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Lawrence MacAulay - Agriculture and Agri-Food.
Stéphane Dion - Foreign Affairs.
John McCallum - Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees.
Carolyn Bennett - Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Scott Brison - Treasury Board President.
Dominic Leblanc - Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
Navdeep Bains - Innovation, Science and Economic Development.
Bill Morneau - Finance Minister.
Jody Wilson-Raybould - Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Judy Foote - Public Services and Procurement.
Chrystia Freeland - International Trade.
Jane Philpott - Health.
Jean-Yves Duclos - Families, Children and Social Development.
Marc Garneau - Transport.
Marie-Claude Bibeau - International Development and La francophonie.
James Carr - Natural Resources.
Mélanie Joly - Heritage.
Dianne Lebouthillier - National Revenue.
Kent Hehr - Veterans Affairs, and Associate Minister of National Defence.
Catherine McKenna - Environment and Climate Change.
Harjit Sajjan - National Defence.
MaryAnn Mihychuck - Employment Workforce Development and Labour
Amarjeet Sohi - Infrastructure and Communities.
Maryam Monsef - Democratic Institutions.
Carla Qualtrough - Sport, and Persons with Disabilities.
Hunter Tootoo - Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard.
Kirsty Duncan - Science.
Patricia Hajdu - Status of Women.
Bardish Chagger - Small Business and Tourism
Monday, November 2, 2015
HMCS Winnipeg showcases Halifax Class Modernization at DSEi in London
Published by The Canadian Armed Forces
Navy News / October 29, 2015
By Sub-Lieutenant Jamie Tobin
After almost three months of operations in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Winnipeg took a break to sail up the River Thames and sit centre stage at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) exhibition, from September 15 to 18, 2015.
DSEi is the largest defence industry trade show in the world; it is held every second year in London, United Kingdom.
HMCS Winnipeg was in attendance at this year’s event to support the Canadian Armed Forces’ defence industry partners by showcasing one of the final products of the Halifax Class Modernization project.
HMCS Winnipeg in October 2015. Photo: RCN |
“It was an honour to support the Canadian defence industry at DSEi. Operations would not be possible without the steadfast support we receive from the Canadian defence industry,” says Commander Pascal Belhumeur, Commanding Officer of HMCS Winnipeg. “We are proud to represent the Royal Canadian Navy at the show. Winnipeg celebrated its 20th birthday on June 23 and it has never looked better.”
The ship’s company provided tours of HMCS Winnipeg to event guests, defence industry representatives, to foreign military and government officials, to trade representatives as well as to friends and family.
The command team co-hosted two industry luncheons, and the ship served as the venue for the Canadian defence industry networking reception attended by more than 250 guests.
“Our Canadian defence industry participants, Government of Canada partners and DSEi event staff were extremely impressed by the hospitality and professionalism of the team on board Winnipeg,” said Daniel Salisbury, International Program Officer for the Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel).
Upon completion of the event, HMCS Winnipeg sailed back out the River Thames to rejoin Standing NATO Maritime Group One and to put its enhanced capabilities to work in support of Operation REASSURANCE, Canada’s contribution to NATO assurance measures in Europe.
Canada in Iraq: RCAF CF-18s Pre-Halloween Strike
With Justin Trudeau, and his cabinet being sworn in on Wednesday, the looming stand-down of Air Task Force Iraq is assumed to be getting closer.
That has not stopped RCAF CF-18's from continuing their fight against ISIS.
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